There are many names for each cylinder on a backhoe, but we’re going to give you the terms that we use, so there is no confusion when you are researching or buying parts. Each cylinder is named for the part that it manipulates. This is important to note, because the Dipper Cylinder sits upon the Boom and the Bucket Cylinder sits on the Dipper, so it can get confusing when we’re not on the same page, and mistakes cost time and money.
The “Working Parts” on a Backhoe Consist of the Buckets, Arms and the Frames that They are Attached to.
I Want to be Clear About this Section, Because if Our Terminology is Mixed up on these Working Parts Mistakes Cost Even More Money and Time, Because all of these Parts Ship VIA Freight!
A. Backhoe Bucket: Pretty Self Explanatory. It Pins up to the Backhoe Links and Dipper Arm (B).
B. Dipper (Sometimes Called the Arm. NOT a Boom) Pins Up to the Backhoe Links, Bucket (A), and Boom (C).
C. Boom (NOT an “Arm, Stick, or Dipper) Pins to the Dipper (B) on one end and the Swing Frame (D) on the Other.
D. Swing Frame (Also Swing Tower). Pins to the Main Frame of the Machine. The Boom (C) is Pinned to it, and the Swing Cylinders (5) Move the Swing Frame Left and Right.
E. Loader Lift Frame (or Lift Arms). Pin to the Main Frame of the Machine, and the Loader Bucket (F)
F. Loader Bucket. Again, this one is Easy. It Pins to the Loader Lift Frame (E)
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